THE PAIN OF OTHERS (cancelled)
This series of performances has been cancelled. Ticket holders will be contacted directly.
How can we grasp and understand the pain of others?
In the conversational piece The Pain of Others, loosely referring to Susan Sontag's famous essay, theater maker and philosopher Peter Aers invites us to make room for different ways in which we could think and talk about pain. After many interviews and discussions with scientists, dancers, futurologists, psychiatrists, adults and children suffering from psychological and physical illnesses, he and Erika Sprey pose some incisive questions: can such an individual experience as pain be shared with a larger community? Does talking about pain actually change our experience of pain? And what about the pain of the absent?
In his conversational performances, Peter creates work at the intersection of theater, participation and reflection. The Pain of Others is the fourth part of Aers’ tetralogy Everything Depends on How a Thing is Thought, in which the relationship between the individual and the community is explored by a unique set of conversational performances that evoke a quiet moment to stand still and reflect on the role of power, ethics and aesthetics within the dialogue.
Peter Aers
Peter Aers is a performance artist based in Ghent. He obtained a M.A. in Philosophy at Ghent University and the University of Geneva, and studied theater in Brussels. His artistic practice is situated on the borders of performance, participation and reflection. The dialogue with people is at the core of his work. Since 2014 he explores the relationship between the individual and the community in a tetralogy of conversational performances named Everything Depends On How A Thing Is Thought. The dialogue as a work of art, with in its centre a not always visible web of conversations and mutual influences, is at the core of his artistic process. Peter is also part of the international collective Building Conversation.
Erika Sprey
Erika Sprey studied literature and cultural studies at the UvA (Amsterdam) and obtained her graduate philosophy with a Fulbright and HSP scholarship at the University of Columbia (New York). She has been working as a freelance researcher, curator and editor in Amsterdam since 2010. She is currently based in Brussels als a practical philosopher, organizer and facilitator of group processes. She has been involved in local and international activism and guides participatory art and design projects. Erika is trained in different dialogue techniques and supporting constellations and she dwells happily in the intersection between art, system dynamics and (philosophical) reflection. Erika was involved in the creation of The Pain of Others and performs the conversational performance together with Peter.
Melissa Mabesoone
After an introduction in Philosophy at the University of Ghent Melissa Mabesoone studied visual arts at KASK School of Arts in Ghent. At the end of 2012 she founded the collective 'buren' together with Oshin Albrecht. Their work consists of performances, videos, texts, photos and installations. They navigate through themes as femininity, community, sexuality, living and neoliberal fantasies. Since 2015 she works with Peter Aers on his conversational performances, as a performer in Against Interpretation (2015), and as a scenographer on Crime and Punishment (2017) and The Pain of Others (2018).
Kris Van Oudenhove
Kris Van Oudenhove is a visual artist, scenographer and designer. He was educated in the visual arts and sculpting at Luca School of Arts Ghent and undertook a postgraduate scenography in Antwerp. He mostly works as a set and light designer for theater and dance. Besides this, he works on projects for circus (Cie Katoen) and street theater (Cirqumstanzia, Puurlain). Furthermore he is a designer and producing artist for exhibitions, interiors and props. In collaboration with scenographer Melissa Mabesoone he built the set of The Pain of Others.
Bart Capelle
Bart Capelle works since 2002 as a freelance dramaturg, mostly in theater and performance. Together with Peter Aers, he has worked on the four conversational performances of the cycle of Everything Depends On How A Thing Is Thought. In collaboration with Haider Al Timimi he sets the artistic framework of the company Kloppend Hert. He’s also part of the artistic platform Jong Gewei in Ghent. Furthermore, he is a guest teacher at art academy RITCS and he teaches at Kunsthumaniora Brussel.
Concept: Peter Aers
Creation: Peter Aers, Erika Sprey, Bart Capelle, Melissa Mabesoone, Kris Van Oudenhove
Production: Famke Dhont
With the support of: Vooruit, KAAP, Workspacebrussels, the Flemish Community
Thanks to: Winny Ang, Amy De Schutter, Macarius Basisschool, KASK en Heike Langsdorf, Eef Cornelissen, and others
- Thu 24 Jun
- 19:00 - 22:00
- Fri 25 Jun
- 19:00 - 22:00
- Sat 26 Jun
- 14:00 - 17:00
- Sun 27 Jun
- 14:00 - 17:00
€12 (standard)
€10 (reduction)